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Todays birthday cars:
60 years old
59 years old
58 years old
57 years old

VIN 30867S105788

Car Year: 1963
Car's approximate birthday: December 28, 1962
Owner: eBay Motors justtoysltd1
City: Orlando
State: Florida
Country: United States
Purchase date: Undefined
Status: Current Owner
Nickname: 30867S105788
State: Restored
Exterior: 900 Tuxedo Black
Interior: Blk Black (Vinyl)
Softtop: Other Color
Wheels: Other Color
Body: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Zone: Unknown
Delivery Dealer Code: Unknown
Options: RPO Option Percentage
Sold [%]
Sales Price
  867 Base Corvette Convertible (250hp) 50.76% 4,037.00
  J50 Power Brakes 15.51% 43.05
  M20 4-Speed Manual Transmission 83.54% 188.30
  U65 Signal Seeking AM Radio 52.84% 137.75
  Total   0.014935741355851%
(4 Cars)
Factory job nr.: Unknown
Export Car: Non Export Car
Other details: Mileage: 40,422 miles
Car history:
Posted 05/01/2016
Just Toys Classic Cars is proud to present another stunning Corvette in our inventory.
Before you is a 1963 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible. This era of Corvette is some
of the most sought due to it's beautiful lines and shape. This car was light weight,
had plenty of horsepower, and was just a blast to drive. You know that you remember
seeing these on the road when they were new and you just had to have one. The
sleek design was second to none for a sports car of it's time, and everyone that
was driving one was instantly more cool in your book. Well, now is your opportunity
to be that cool guy or gal that wanted one of these then and can afford it now. As
you look at the deep and beautiful black paint on this car it just draws you in and
makes you want to look at more. This paint is so deep that it looks like you could
stick your arm in it and have it come out black. The bright work on this beauty of
a 1963 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible shines just like it should and really pops
off of the black paint. As you roll around to open the driver door you are going to
slide in to a matching black interior that is as comfortable as it gets. You wrap your
hands around the wood steering wheel, and you just instantly look out over that
beautiful long black hood and you are ready to attack any piece of road that comes
your way. Just in case you get out on a day where it isn't great top down weather,
have no fear, as the black top on this car looks as good as the rest of the car. It
doesn't have any rips or tears and looks great to match the rest of the car. Now,
you reach over and make sure that awesome 4 speed transmission is in neutral
and turn the key to hear that 350 V8 with 405 horse power come to life. Give it a
few revs and you will find it hard to get that ear to ear grin off of your face. Once
you open that hood and see just how stellar this motor is you just can't help but
stare at it and fall in love. The 350 is an awesome little motor that you can get
plenty of power out of and is just fun to have under your right foot. Okay, now
that you have done all of that just in your garage, throw that baby in reverse and
back out to get on the road and chew up some asphalt. You are instantly going to
feel that put you in the back of the seat power, and as you step on the clutch and
bang second gear, you are ready for more. Obviously, you have to stop this rocket
at some point and the power front disc brakes will help make that as easy as pie.
Be prepared to get good looks, thumbs up, and people asking you what year it is,
and want to talk about this 1963 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible where ever you go.
If you are looking to come out of your shell and get something cool, then this is
the car you need right now. We guarantee, that you will more than likely be the
coolest guy or gal on your block, and as you cruise down the street, you will make
the next generation of gear heads stare and think about how cool you are and they
wish that they could have something like that when they grow up.
For Sale: No

Number of visits on this page by other users: 109

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